Assisted Business Process Redesign Modeler | Dr. Tobias Fehrer

Assisted Business Process Redesign Modeler

Photo by Tobias Fehrer

The software prototype is a web application that starts from an empty canvas or from an existing BPMN diagram. It enables the user to annotate and edit a process model and recommends redesign options based on the process model and a defined performance objective (i.e., time, cost, quality, and flexibility). The user can then apply these recommendations and evaluate their impact with simulation experiments. This procedure is repeated until satisfaction with the process model is achieved. In our prototype, we support process redesign patterns by Reijers & Limam Mansar (2005) in varying levels of automation: The triage and activity automation patterns are implemented as guided advice, the parallelism and extra resources pattern are implemented as advice whereas the remaining are implemented as hints and ideas.

Tobias Fehrer
Tobias Fehrer
Doctor in IS

Within my research, I focus data-driven business process management in general and on process mining in particular.
